
HawkeyeTech has been certified as Telco Systems’ NFVTime-Arm alliance partner!

Arm-based uCPE white boxes are now available for NFVTime, adding significant value for NFV services

10/01/2019 – Congratulate to HawkeyeTech has been certified as Telco Systems’ NFVTime-Arm alliance hardware vendor! Telco Systems’ ecosystem of certified hardware vendors, VNF vendors, and MANO partners ensure a smooth deployment and service rollout. With the introduction of NFVTime for Arm, Telco Systems is extending its alliance with new hardware and VNF partners that seamlessly support the Arm-based uCPE solution.

Arm-based uCPE white boxes are now available for NFVTime, adding significant value for NFV services. NFVTime utilizes the unique capabilities provided by the Arm architecture to offer higher performance, better security, and a more flexible and cost-effective solution. As a partner of NFVTime-arm Alliance, we will keep moving forward to strengthen our technical development and support to Alliance members.

Backed by a strong strategic partnership with Telco, Arm and its SoC partners, Hawkeye will continue to expand, support SD-WAN, vRouter, vSecurity and other VNF’s on Arm white boxes.

What is NFVTime
NFVTime is an open and neutral plug-and-play uCPE suite delivering a complete service environment for the smooth and rapid launch of NFV services, along with service lifecycle management and operational tools.

NFVTime’s QuickDeploy solution provides an NFVi-OS and uCPE Mano lite solution that enables seamless automated deployment of any VNF over mixed x86 and Arm white boxes with carrier-grade service and device lifecycle management.

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